P.L.Kopecký was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia on June 12, 1970 (Gemini).
After the fall of communism and end of censure in 1989, all kinds of spiritual literature poured in, he was fascinated that Mr. Stanislav Grof, who left Czechoslovakia 1967, did the job of analyzing psychedelic experiences using psychiatric methods and developed holotropic breathing, which Pavel undertook several times, amongst various other methods, including OSHO meditations, shamanic techniques, rave parties, psychedelics, mind machines, 15 years of psychoanalysis...
His 17-months´ archetypal self-discovery "Big Journey" in 1997-98 in Brooklyn, NY and Venice Beach, CA meant not only freeing himself from the Central Europe narrow-minded mentality, he also made connections with plenitude of artists, actors, healers... and all the folks that hang around these zones. In Venice he lived in an OSHO commune, took acting and massage classes, joined the Full Moon Tribe, Venice Beach Drum Circle, various ceremonies and was initiated by a healer, voice shaman, spiritual teacher...
After return he took further acting classes and in 1999 he joined a theater group, after three years he quit after realizing that "acting requires one to step too far out of one´s comfort zone".
In 2002 he abridged the original Shakespeare´s The Midsummer Night´s Dream into modern simple English and directed a play with his high school students.
His love for music led him to start experimenting with FLStudio sampler, resulting in 3 demo CD´s BeranAries, 002, and The Pagan Dances dated 2003-2006. In his words "I had to make this music myself as no one else dared..."
Since 2006 he leads regular guided visualization sessions based on the House of Time shamanic technique inspired by Robert Moss, adding intuitive experimental elements, Celestine Prophecy and toning exercises,...
His life-long passion for photography (first camera and darkroom at age of 10) escalated in year 2000 with digital darkroom experiments and culminated in 2008 with his first solo exhibition of the memebranes series, left-right symmetric abstract photomontages exploring the mental territory beyond explicit memes and implicit branes. It was held at a Hussite Church, followed by another two in 2009 and 2010, exhibiting together 60 large canvas prints. The last 2010 exhibition was terminated early by the church officials claiming that "there are devils in these images".
His photomontage "Painted with the Moon" is used on a CD cover "Third Time Lucky" of a Scottish musician Alasdair Bouch.
After that he worked for two years on animating these photomontages, which resulted in a 15-minute abstract film memebranes, 2012. In the film Pavel further explores the potential of videomontage, uses the same techniques as he did with photomontage, adding sound from his previous audio endeavor.
He created a VJ set for concerts of a meditation music band Beyond (Karolina S. - voice, Petr Pinos - music).
Currently he designs and animates in 3D, using his memebranes as textures mapped onto 3D models. The first project is a music video for Veronika Vesper´s Inject Me, released August 2013.
He is married to Alžb?ta Kopecká (*1983), a photographer and fashion designer who uses his designs on clothing. They have two children.
Pavel is a keen experimental cook and plant grower, his music preferences span from psychedelic rock and electronica to meditation and minimal music. He admires work and lifestyle of František Kupka, the pioneer of abstract art and a devoted mystic striving to depict the realm of transcendentalia.
