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7 comments on Alexithymia

This is a beautiful, elegant, and charming mix. Certainly worth repeating. The track by Caribou felt out of place, but I think the rest of the track selection made up for it. Thank you for sharing!

Never ever stop with music it is truely the key to the heart. Thank you for sharing these mixes with us. Find them absolutely amazing♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪

Very chill mix, dig it. Yann Tiersen is amazing. You should check out a song called "Elaborate Maps" by a band called "The New Green". They give their music away free, I'll provide the link below. Hope you dig. Thanks for the mix, I had never heard Clint Mansell before.

thank you, i really appreciate it. thank you for the link. i really enjoy them so far, and i admire that they give away the music for free. my pleasure. he is one of my favorites.(:
