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I Like It When People On TV Hug Each Other


You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!

Cover art belongs to Tumblr user that-hb-scullergirl, not me.

9 tracks
1 comment on I Like It When People On TV Hug Each Other

I. Love. This. I love it so much I LOVE IT I just really love Todd and I spent all night rewatching the 2nd season of Bojack so's I could start the 3rd and after a whole night of binge-watching this is a really good cool down - reflective playlist that probably sounds ridiculous lol but ughhh just, it's so perfect and I love it and I'm gonna have a really hard time not watching all of the 3rd season all at once but when I'm in a Bojack mood and don't wanna watch Bojack bc I'm trying to make it last, I can just listen to this playlist instead and I really love ittttt (I haven't slept in 22 hours whoopsies sorry if this message is rambly)

@DigimonAdventureTri Aaaaah thank you!!!!!! I totally understand about reflective cooldown playlists and stuff. Season 3 is a really good season for Todd, I think you'll like it!
