Queen Margo
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i don't know dick about the bible

1 comment on i don't know dick about the bible

godddd this is such a stunning mix tbh, you should see me in a crown is just the pinnacle of patty's pageant queen journey, all that insatiable hunger for love and attention and validation, and curbstomp is never not painful as hell. dark side is such a perfect choice for her too, and pretty head is just Everything ever, "aren't all the pretty girls happy?" might be the question patty struggles with the most, but the implicit warning in "don't they all love a show, don't you dare forget it," is just s t u n n i n g , and ending with antidote, as this quiet moment of intensity, "they don't think I need help, but I'm scaring myself, I just wanna be okay" PATTY GOD, as terrible as she can be, it's impossible to not root for and sympathize with patty, people get so wrapped up in their own drama that they neglect her which leads to her doing the same exact thing to them and lashing out in ways that have some extreme consequences, despite the fact that she does plenty of things (murder, anyone?) that take it to extremes your average teen girl can't quite relate to, the intent and the pain and the longing behind it is such a familiar feeling, despite all it's flaws, I feel like the show really has something to say about adolescence that hasn't been said before, or at least not frequently, and maybe its biggest flaw is also my favorite thing about the show, its too absurd and honest about what it's like to be a teenager, to be human, and how okay I full on rambled, sorry, anyway, I love patty and I love this mix and the cover is Perfection

@callmewolf Oh my gracious, thank you so much! Honestly I love Patty so much, she makes a lot of wrong choices but shit she was not raised to make the right ones. Her internal struggle is one I can understand on a level I've never really connected to before. I'm so glad you loved this mix and just appreciate the hell out of your comment <333
