It seems as if music is the only thing keeping me sane these days. I make my mixes to match the emotions I feel on a weekly basis. Maybe you feel the same?

Mixes that do not receive at least 100 listens and 5 likes in a 8 day time span will be deleted. Sorry. I'm just trying to keep my playlist selection pristine.

Also, mixes that are over a month old will have new songs added to them. I like to keep my mixes up and fresh. I will not ever delete songs from them, songs will only be added.

Have a song you want added on to an existing playlist? Just comment on one of my mixes and I will try to get to it. However, I must somewhat like the song and the song must be on soundcloud/my itunes library. Sorry, not my rules. Talk to 8tracks about their music selection.

Yes, I will make specialty playlists/mixes for people. Just comment and leave the genre of music you would like, the emotion you want to capture, or at least 3 songs you want included in your mix. I will work on it as time allows, but please do remember that I am a highschool aged girl and I suck at managing time.

Thanks loves,
