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The Witch Downstairs Has Learned a New Spell


...and there's no way to break it, so you better just go with the flow; this twisted electronic seance will transfix you for hours with rhythmic witchcraft by Beats Antique, Imogen Heap and Miranda Sex Garden.

[Notes: Special thanks to @storygirl for locating a few key tracks! Also, I think you might like this one @Samuel_peterson, for some reason... Plus, @DJ_Serenity, this is the dark ambient playlist I was telling you about.. Hope you enjoy it!]

32 tracks
3 comments on The Witch Downstairs Has Learned a New Spell

@dj_dim-mak Awesome, I'm glad you found this one. I was perhaps too eager for the Halloween season and posted my best tracks too soon. I got hooked on Susheela Raman through that cover actually. Oh yeah, and there is nothing else like the opener because they are an a capella coven and that's their only licensed remix. Anyways, thanks for listening! Glad you enjoyed :)
