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It's strange-the sense of moving is a little like wanderlust. That restlessness, that desire to be free: free to run home.

It's tough being the daughter of a diplomat. Friends come and go. Boxes unpacked and packed again. That sense of familiarity, the sense of acceptance, vanishes like a breath in cold winter air. Seeing the world so many times in so many different perspectives causes the feeling to meld together into one; the vast, cold feeling. But strange enough, it is still beautiful.

To Claire.
Listen to this when you think of home. Home is not Taiwan, not LA, not Houston, not Maryland. Home is what you carry with you in your heart. And we will always be besides you.

27 tracks
3 comments on Moving.

omg, what first caught my attention of this playlist was the description... I'm also the daughter of a diplomat, and I've been moving around so much I don't even know where I'm supossed to belong anymore, sorry if I'm being so personal, it's just that your words hit home because thats exactly how I feel everyday of my life, living this life is the most beautiful curse of my existence
