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i’d been protecting them. helping to protect their innocence. letting them see themselves as the good guys. it was a symbiotic relationship. or co-dependent, whatever. they needed me to be the bad guy. and i needed them to be the good guys. see, if they were good guys, and i was on their team, then that automatically made me a good guy, too. even if i was different. at least that’s what i’d been telling myself.

(a rachel berenson mix)

11 tracks
4 comments on warrior

All of these character mixes are just FLAWLESS. You've got a real talent for finding character-appropriate songs. This one is my favourite, I just... augh. Rachel. I love love listening to them all (usually while I'm at work) but man is it ever hard to not cry while doing so.

@grapegoat WOW thank you so much!!! any comment on my animorphs mixes makes my day but this was extra sweet :') i'm really glad you like this one - it's one of my favorites too! <3
