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5 comments on Synecdoche

Thanks for the "heads-up" on BBC 3; I haven't spent much time listening (maybe because I haven't had broadband until recently, living in a fairly rural area). I'll check it out. I've run into very few folks who've heard Ross Daly, so it was a nice surprise to discover him in your mix. Thanks!

And Ross Daly's Miroloi (Lament); I've seen/heard his YouTube videos, most of which have terrible audio quality, and it's fantastic to hear a good recording of his work (which I admire immensely).

The Rag Piloo with Chaurasia on bansuri, and the gorgeous santur (or hammered-dulcimer-like thingie) is heartrendingly beautiful...

Halfway through this mix; reveling in it. Feels like the mix I would have made tonight, if I had the ambition! I really appreciate this music, and the way you've combined it. Thanks!
