57 comments on A Deeper Shade of Blue by SadPanda16

Great mix, I have listened many times. This is what I listen to anyway and you put it into an excellent package. Thank you

These tunes all have the same feel... similar elements... The slow snare, high hats distinctly pushing forward, the base meandering around a circular cliff of despair, and the lead guitar slow-handedly racing through the song leaving hot tracks through your soul as it passes. I don't know what to call this sub-genre of blues but maybe a "deeper shade" of the blues is about right. Good playlist.

I added a few more songs I really like to the mix. Hopefully the additions only make it a better set. I always appreciate the feedback so let me know if you preferred the old playlist.

4 tracks in and I'm quite scared that I might have made this mix myself and competely forgotten about it!! Loving it, full of a bunch of my favourite tracks. Many thanks for helping make my Friday afternoon at work actually enjoyable.

Rock on, man. This life business can get rough but just got to ride the wave. Keep feeling better, dude and know that when the blues are really kicking your ass, that you're far from alone and then kick some ass of your own (metaphorically speaking).
