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It suits you: A mix for rebel pilots and their storm troopers and their adventures in the wide wide galaxy


A mix for cocky rebel pilots and equally rebellious storm troopers as they travel the stars and cause a shit load of trouble for the dark side
.Cause let's face it if Poe was going to listen to music, he would force everyone else to listen to the random stuff he found on his travels because "he's the goddamn pilot"
whether its classic, electronic or from different time periods anything poe can keep a beat to, is good to fly to.
or has to do with space
while Finn would shake his head, rey would roll her eyes so hard they would come out of her head and bb-8 beeps along to the music

20 tracks
1 comment on It suits you: A mix for rebel pilots and their storm troopers and their adventures in the wide wide galaxy
