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dear God, deliver me from this shithole


In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak
From the evil of that which He created;
From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,
And from the evil of malignant witchcraft,
And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.

10 tracks
7 comments on dear God, deliver me from this shithole

Yes S, I guess that it is the same religion. If you get anywhere _close_ to the Kaba please take a picture. Now, are you going to make some mixes? :]

this is the same religion that believes in a eschatology with talking tree's killing jews. when i want to cast out allahs demons i start up a good ol fashioned hog roast in the kaba.

Spittle 1. Spittle-Soul.
Saliva is the deposit of the soul; spittle is the soul in movement. We
use it to strengthen an action, for
protection, to impress one's will on an object, to "sign" a contract, to give life. Thus, Mohammed himself [2] feared the witches' saliva as they breathed on knots and spat a little to work some evil spells. In Great Russia and elsewhere, to seal an oath, one spits. Just about everywhere, the kiss, this exchange of saliva, is a guarantee of peace (to seal with a kiss). In Oriental Africa, when opening a door that has been long closed, one spits in order to cast out the demon of the empty house [3]. Finally – and this is a startling demonstration of the theory of the spittle-soul – in Occidental Africa, to confer spirit on the child, the grandfather spits into the mouth of his grandchild several days after his birth. To summarise: from evil will to good will, from insult to miracle, spittle behaves like the soul – balm or filth. [1] Hanoteaux & Letourneux, Kabylie, III, p.193. [2] Koran, Sura 113. [3] Marcel Griaule, Le Livre de recettes d'un dabtara abyssin, Insitut d'ethnologie de Paris.

- from the Encyclopaedia Acephalica
