34 comments on [click for focus] by saraherv

This playlist is straight fire. I recommend opening up a second tab and playing www.rainymood.com behind these tracks. If you are into thunderstorm noises, this shit puts you on a whole new level! (also S/O @SarahErv for making the best playlists around)

Giiirl. Your playlists kill it. I've been on the hunt for the best playlist that I don't have to worry about bumping out a lame song in the midst of great and yours (click for focus and more focus) totally do it for me. Where do you find these great tunes? Do you just find a solid few artists and branch from there? Keep doing you!

Wow Sarah, I must admit that this is one of the greatest playlist you have uploaded here! Really love the work and passion you put on your mixes, thank you for compiling this artists to make our days. fucking lots of love! <3

You know when you crave something but cant figure out what it is? this playlist was that craving for me......well done
