36 comments on Hopeless Wanderer by sarahgryan

just when i think it cant get any better. boom. cecilia came on. literally the best playlist ever. am really jealous of your 1)music collection 2)ability to make playlists. 3) inwould say taste, but i am listening to the playlist so ill say i applaud your taste. haha

best comment on this feed by Dr. joe lazerus " this mix is great to just listen to" thank you for those pearls of wisdom. that sam kid also seems really smart!!!!! does anyone know where i could find a mix about true love?? all i wanna listen to is songs about true love and i cant seem to find a play list about that anywhere... shuxxx

I think we are all lost. We try our best to convince ourselves we have it all figured out, like we know whats best to do. But in our hearts we know that we will never know for certain. We make sense of things our own way and say god damn it i know this is right when in truth we can only hope for the best as we walk along the lonesome road and feel the sun pound as we pulsate.

Then, one day, we see it.

this is the best mix ever. Sleeping Sickness is the best song, It made this mix 1000 times better. All the songs I love at this moment
