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Songs that make me feel the way I feel when I'm around you


A CD for my longest best friend. We met soon after I moved, I was 8. I was climbing the pine tree in my yard, she came over, "the people who use to live here would let me climb this tree, can I climb with you?" And it began, she only lived around the corner, our backyards were adjacent from each other (although she had a fence so we always had to walk around the block). Many memories together, short summaries; ER visit, trash bag puddle jumping, penguin slides on soaped tile YMCA floors, fun dip, skiing, car crash, high school, secret keeper, cigarettes, weed, boulder, she was there on the worst day of my life, family feud, lighting our first fire, acid, camping. These are the feels she brings; freedom rebellious accepted inspired warm joy loyal love psychedelic childish playful

20 tracks
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