20 comments on soundtracks the second (part II) by septipus

Put this on while I was doing some work, nearly died when Aslan's theme came on. Probably haven't heard that song since I was twelve. Thanks for sharing!

Wow! I haven't heard the Chronicles of Narnia TV series soundtrack in years! Love "Aslan's Theme"! Thanks for this :D

Great selection of songs, this sort of music is so great to work, very inspirational. Being a film composer must be so great. have a listen to my mix, I think you'll like it!

Was wondering if this was the best playlist I've ever heard. And then 'steady as the beating drum' came on and confirmed it. So good.

AMAZING mix. I loved every minute of it! Amazing.
Just on a side note though- I don't think that is the Cast Away theme, it sounds like the Braveheart love theme. I think it was used in the Cast Away trailer though :)

The sound I made when the Tuck Everlasting theme came on was not human. Thank you so much for this fabulous collection of great soundtrack music.
