17 comments on Classical Masterpieces II by Seyn Fortuna

I gathered many awards during my "classical" childhood and one of my favorite contest was in 7th grade when a got the first prise with chaconne...for sure...one of my favorite...now...i have many bands...rock band,alternative...but...i miss so much my childhood when i was studying even 6 hour per day...playing Bach over and over again 'till my fingers were cramed...also Haydn , George Enescu or Mozart...these are masters...they made me who I am...

I feel the same away about his fugues. :) I'm currently studying Well-Tempered Clavier and Art of Fugue, doing my best to find time to play the piano. I guess, when we realize what little we can do in a day, we start to notice what parts of our life matters. Me, I'm trying to bring back music into my life. :)

I perfectly agree with you...I hope classical music won't disappear ever...if it will happen ...music will lose her sole...becoming prettier not inside but outside,seductive, creating the illusion of music and feelings...good luck in your progress and never give up:P...greetings from Romania, Bistrita:P
