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“The head of the Stuart monarch Charles I, hewn off by an axe in front of Whitehall Palace on 30 January 1649, became a terrible warning to the rulers of the age. The word ‘Remember!’ that Dumas puts in the mouth of King Charles just before his death, as the French musketeers look in astonishment, in his 1845 novel Vingt ans après, gave that moment proverbial resonance that has lasted to our own times.” — Cantar le lacrime: Laments for the mighty in the seventeenth century, Dinko Fabris

8 tracks
2 comments on for these distracted times

This is a gorgeous selection, thank you for making this mix. It's a perfect mix for capturing the rarest of calculating and experimental of moods. This really inspires me! Nicely thought out! It's neat to think I'm possibly being inspired by the same pieces as some of the thinkers from the seventeenth century!
