22 comments on Winter's Wash Away by ShelteredBeats

I run a music website and I'm trying to get more people from the 8tracks community involved with the hopes of expanding it. I checked out your page and it seems like you would be a great addition to the site. You seem to have a open mind when it comes to music and also are very active which are both very important. The site covers all genres of music both new and old. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me.
You can check out the site here: http://goodmusicinc.net
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Let me know what you think!

I do post longer mixes, but I find you can't tell a story with hours and hours of somewhat randomly compiled music...not that those don't serve a purpose, but I really try to trim the fat off a mix like this—match the songs in genre obviously, but also in theme, flow, pace, etc.
