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The Never Ending Journey


This playlist consists of 24 songs from different genres, but all related to the journey/travel subject. It includes songs from The Tolkien Ensemble, John Williams, Fabrizio Paterlini and many others.

The picture is 'Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer' by Caspar David Friedrich.

23 tracks
2 comments on The Never Ending Journey

When I was listening to the The Old Walking Song I didn't even glance at who it was by. In my head I immediately thought of The Hobbit. Thought it was interesting how that clicked in my head once I saw who it was by.

Thanks for your comment. When I chose 'The Old Walking Song' for this playlist I was indeed thinking of the hobbits. If you do not know this proect very well, check here, for instance:!/album/The+Lord+Of+The+Rings+The+Complete+Songs+and+amp+Poems+disc+1+The+Fellowship+Of+The+Ring/5280101
