344 comments on music for the reluctant studyer by shinythings

rad! these comments are music to my... eyes :) glad it's helping people trudge through papers and exams! i know how desperate it can be...

this is awesome and its always playing when i have serious work to do, like now, because im SO bad at focusing. and it helps. you're an angel.

Thank you for making a 20 page research paper much more motivated than it would have been. This is a great mix for a procrastinator who is feeling pretty down about waiting until the last minute to start a paper! :P

Studying is the last thing I want to do right now, but after days of procrastination I'm sadly cramming several hours worth in one sitting and am bored as hell! Your mix helped lighten that load. and I normally can't concentrate with music playing, but you managed to find a huge amount of tunes that I could actually think clearly through while skimming over all this mind-numbing reading material. Thank you!!

perfect for mind numbing chores that I need some encouragement to do (fold clothes, sweep, organize my desk) and delightfully long. Also great to doze, read or write to :D

ohhh hmmm interesting but yeah it repeated... but i suppose since it was an exact repeat it might have just started the playlist over again, or some sort of repeat kicked in... anyway GREAT MIX THO :)

@wdarea51 - i didn't! it's supposed to be 29 different tracks... i wonder why it started repeating? if anyone else has this issue, please let me know and i'll troubleshoot :) thanks!

I'm currently working on some pictures I want to have done before the new years festivities. This mix couldn't have been found at a better time. Cheers StumbleUpon!
