Shoyo Hinata
Is this playlist safe for work?


"i'm useless, but not for long. the future is comin' on."

request by eben!

edit 1) 07/09/16: ty for gold!! this is a bit late though lol im glad u guys liked it so much!! :D
edit 2) 08/06/16 replaced "stressed out - tøp" with "doubt - tøp" we all know stressed out is overplayed now + fixed "milk by sea oleena" + removed "in heaven - helios (shem remix)" because i felt like it was too long. comment if u want it back tho!

9 tracks
2 comments on sorry, tsukki.

i love this so much oh my god, it fits yamaguchi so well?? god some of these are so fitting they brought me 2 tears i hope ur happy

@divorcedsocks omg i just came home from a vacation so i couldnt reply to this but this is one of the best comments ive gotten?? im happy u enjoy it :'^D
