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healthcare-acquired infections


funny things can happen to your head when you're laying in a hospital bed... all of these songs have earwormed their way into my brain at some point over the past 10 days... I blame the morphine. Includes Supertramp, Édith Piaf and Public Enemy.
**warning** this mix is stupid.

14 tracks
5 comments on healthcare-acquired infections

Listened to this the other day and forgot to say how much i loved it! Fun! And made me a little woozy (which isn't a bad thing in this case).

Oh and I hope you're feeling better soon!! Thanks for sharing this fun stuff even while you've been regaining your strength. :-)

i've been on painkillers but not for anything serious. i discovered that i like to clean tho when on those things. very strange... but tons of fun when you're not feeling the pain, that is... omg, i'll never get sick of that commodores tune... dude, i heard it at a friggin work function, this corporate gig, need i say more? THAT kinda ruined it for me but i can still dig it :)

omg are you ok?? what do you mean hospital bed??!! when you said throbbing headache, i didn't realize... dude, email me, pls!!

argh, i forgot 8tracks eats hearts. that was meant to say, "i'm just concerned (heart). and aren't we so creative when we're going through hardship? i don't think this is stupid." :)
