12 comments on she's back to bleed you dry by sidekick

You really need more Pulp Vixen mixes!! Correction, I need more Pulp vixen Mixes! Correction, I need more Vixens!

join the friggin' queue! i'll make you a deal - you make another guitar mix, and i'll set another vixen on you (though it might take me some time to round one up).

initially i meant a kind of guitar masters mix (like your guitar origins one), but tbh, a jazz one would totally do it for me too. and no rush, honestly - i went looking in my library for unused grindhousey type tracks, and ended up starting an orchestral, vampyric halloween sort of thingy. FOCUS helen, FOCUS!

mmmmmm so good! Imma headin' to Mr.Choo's opium den for the evening and this baby is comin' with me....... and its gonna be on repeat! Thanks Ms. Sidekick!

Hehe... I'm sure you won't be able to tell the difference after a few pipes/glasses... very glad you liked it, mister!

i'm in a land somewhere between russ meyer, mario bava, and the dirty strip club on the corner :) loving it, sidekick.

If I could, I'd give you a cigar for that comment... perfecto! Very pleased these salacious sounds could take you there :)

i'll take the cigar :) salacious sounds indeed - a fight just broke out in the topless bar - two thugs vying for the same dancer. oh my!
