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A Danger to Myself

1 comment on A Danger to Myself

Lyrically, and in terms of overall sound, you've picked some great tracks for demon!Dean. I'm loving the flow of this mix and the way it fits the concept without using songs that nearly every other mix of the same theme does. Easily one of my favourites!

@Lady Koschei best comment ever! i was really going for how Dean would rationalize his decision to take this on, his internal battle over not being this killer at heart, the influence his damaged upbringing had on his guilt and desire to save people. How he feels torn up over Sam's anger at him for saving him from dying and the consequences thereof. And yeah, I listen to a not-typical mix music ^.^ I love the up and down flow of sound here, myself and the slow progression towards demon from hurt boy. i made myself sad :D

@silver9mm I love getting insight into the mix creation process, so thanks for that! You did an amazing job capturing the transition, and the raw emotion during that transformative process for Dean.

@Lady Koschei i just listened to this again (i have all my playlist on my player i'm such a nerd) and i love it all over again! oof the last song by Woodkid --Boy I was shaped for the fury
Now I pay the price
Of the human race's vice
And I was promised
The glorious ending of a knight
But the crown is out of sight RIGHT IN THE FEELS. Thanks for the comments, btw
