Ski Taylor
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Misc Sampler 12-25-1990


Christmas Day 1990 was spent up in the music room of my childhood home in Texas, playing records and making this mix. I was 17, and just days away from leaving my home, my town, and all my friends and family for California on a desperate whim. The tape recently randomly resurfaced, 22 years later, in a brown paper bag crumpled into a tangle of vintage lights just a few days before Christmas.

11 tracks
3 comments on Misc Sampler 12-25-1990

SST was not a bad thing to be ruled by...
This was just all the music I came up on, and I'm certainly thankful for that!

More mixes will happen, yes. Thanks for all your entertaining mixes!

Mix tapes are little time capsules, and this one shows me who I was in the absolute darkest hours of my life. Introspective, a bit melancholy, and full of sass, yes- but the tape also contains silliness, and hope, and even the twinklings of first love.
Certainly nowhere near as dark as I expected the tape to be...

The other side of the mix tape is The Beatles' Abbey Road, my all time favorite Beatles album. Both sides are slightly warbled, and full of glorious record cracklings. Digitizing the mix made it sound a lot worse, unfortunately.
