12 comments on I'm champagne and you're shit by sllalle

Sweet, Arvo Pärt's is definitely my favorite minimalist composer. I'd also recommend Orchestral Works and Lamentate. Or everything, really.

also: that wooden wand song is just plain swell (that and "jim" by swans were my favorite songs from this last year that also happened to not be metal)

no magical ring BUT i do have a medallion shaped birthmark on the knuckle of my big toe on my left foot. hmmmm the powers thing is a given.

Maybe we're twins separated at birth? I always wanted a brother. Plus maybe we have spooky twin powers or something. Check to see if you're wearing a magical ring of some sort.

8tracks Challenge:
Title must be a quote from a movie. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY_rerWI0Oc)
1. A song from the last record you bought.
2. A "blues" song. Does not have to be from a blues record, but a song that is labeled "____ blues"
3. A song that will get you going in the morning.
4. A song from one of the earliest records that you can remember listening to.
5. A song discovered from a film.
6. A song about transportation (cars, trains, planes, etc).
7. A song from an artist/band that you don't normally like, with the exception of this one.
8. A song with a color in the title.
9. A song with a number in the title.
10. A song that mentions a religious character/religion.
11. A song about a book (or books in general).
12. A funny song.
13. A cover song.
14. A song that you discovered through a mix tape given to you.
15. A song that reminds you of high school.
16. A song that is perfect for a quiet, rainy day.
17. A song with the word "Look" in the title.
18. Your favorite Beatles song.
19. A song by someone who is now deceased.
20. Any song
