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Throaty echos of the 90's grunge era


Did you ever notice how throaty the male singers of the grunge era sounded? It's like all you had to do to get famous was sing with your bottom jaw pushed out, and all your yellow teeth showing.

Here's a sample of tunes I found to be very fun to sing along to even if you don't know the words you can just push from your throat.

Let me know if I have missed any of your favorites that should be in this mix.

Perl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Temple of the Dog to name a few.

23 tracks
4 comments on Throaty echos of the 90's grunge era

This is officially my favorite 90's grunge playlist because I keep noticing for years now how I just love bands that have that throaty brown-toned voices.. And this is a whole playlist of them :D
