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covers: seventeen ver.


i'm sure i've missed loads of songs so pleaseplease let me know of any that i've missed so I can add them
contains both pre-debut and post-debut covers (ps contains 1 or 2 collabs)

pps i apologize if any of the songs cut off a few seconds early...idk why they're doing that..

mixcloud ver: coming soon!

32 tracks
9 comments on covers: seventeen ver. (View all)

im spitting because this is my favourite thing ever and it started off with later, later which is one of my favourites ever and omg their fetus voices are sO CUTE

butterfly cut off halfway through wHAT ugh !!!!!! thx for putting all of this together though, it's my favorite thing to jam to! (butterfly probs cut off since the computer wanted to mess with me bc seungkwan is my favorite;))

I only knew Mansae and started listening to this playlist by chance, through 8tracks kpop radio. They are awesome. I might be starting to bias them a little :)
