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The Desert Flower Bowling Alley & Arcade Fun Complex


The teenage employees blast their own music and fuck around on the machines all day, but no one complains to Teddy Williams. Somehow those bubble-gum popping stoners are the only ones who can make the games give out tickets instead of scorpions and quiet the preternatural howling that comes from the ball return.

13 tracks
2 comments on The Desert Flower Bowling Alley & Arcade Fun Complex

I revisit this playlist every now and then, it's one of the better night vale playlists that doesn't rely on songs from The Weather. I cannot get enough of the description that feels very night valian without relying on quotes from the show.

@MaksvellEdison the town of Night Vale really captured my imagination a few years ago, and when I wasn't working on my own Southwestern paranormal adventure story, I was really into making these playlists that provided musical atmosphere for some of the iconic locations around our favorite friendly desert community. I'm still really proud of them, so it's amazing to hear that other people still enjoy them as well <3 <3 <3
