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Dreams of my faux-kitsch, retro-kinked vacation


Thirteen delightful tracks that flirt with retro-kitsch. Light, breezy tunes for a lo-fi, short sleeve, seaside vacation from a long time ago when the cafés served simple drinks and people looked out at the waves instead of down at their laptops.

13 tracks
7 comments on Dreams of my faux-kitsch, retro-kinked vacation

@casuallyintoxicating: I've always been more of a boating hat kinda guy than a cowboy hat kinda guy. To the dismay of some people I know... Glad you liked. ;-) @sigfa: Always happy to cheer up someone's Friday. ;-) Thanks for listening.

I can feel my skin burning in the sun and my lips chapping from the salt of my (future) margarita. Definitely not mentally in my cubicle right now. THANK YOU.

Delightful mix, indeed! Makes me want to throw on a straw boat hat and head out to a secluded little beach w/ a café frappé in hand. Seriously loving this one.
