130 comments on ▲ The "Hipster/Indie" Track ▲ by sonalxm

I love this mix! I don't think it matters whether or not the title is 100% accurate, because the music is awesome. This mix is getting me through PreCal homework; you deserve a medal.

Love this and I don't class myself as Indie. Don't think it should be said that this music is in those genres. But very nice mix!

Love this and I don't class myself as Indie. Don't think it should be said that this music is in those genres. But very nice mix!

Love this and I don't class myself as Indie. Don't think it should be said that this music is in those genres. But very nice mix!

I really enjoy this mix but why does it seem like every hipster/indie mix always include the same few songs and bands?

hipster or not these songs are great so why does it matter what they are? whether they are considered 'mainstream' or 'hipster' or whatever other label you want to put on them...they are awesome songs so just enjoy them!!! :)

This is a great mix, but it's definitely not hipster. This is like the music you play at a party full of hipsters, and the hipsters all say, "Ugh, this is SO mainstream."
