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9 comments on Light fantastic (View all)

At ten years old, listening to WBZ or WRKO radio on a tinny sounding transistor radio, I was never sure if "Call Me" was being sung by a guy or a girl. Or was there another well-played version by a girl. At any rate, it's got a great feeling to it.
In the summer of '66, my older sister had to have a 45 of "See You in September" but everyone in the mid-coast area of Maine seemed to be sold out of it. She finally found one in Bath and put it in the back of the car while we went with my Mom and did some more shopping. And I mean she put it in the back back. In what we used to call, the boot, beneath the rear windshield. When we came back, the record had warped so that it looked like a piece of circular ribbon candy! It became something of a joke in the family (Mom bought her a new one) and my sister took it with her when she went to boarding school. It made a quirky piece of decoration, dangling from a length of yarn. I bet she still has it.
