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Takin' It To The Streets!!


I felt the need to create this playlist because people of today, particularly within the black community, are in need of encouragement. Messages bombard us daily--both blatant and subliminal-- that we are less than human. That we are just a bunch of thugs, drug dealers and abusers, prostitutes, and the like. It's tough to make it in this world today, especially when you are black--you have an extra built-in barrier to overcome. But just remember today and every day that you, my brothers and sisters, are royalty--descendants of kings and queens. We need to flood our streets and communities with positivity and this is just a taste of the music that can get us started!!!! Be encouraged!!

Please do not forget, if you will, to Like, Comment, and Share this playlist! :)

14 tracks
1 comment on Takin' It To The Streets!!

Hey, love the playlist. I also wanted to say that I accidentally flagged your comment while trying to reply *embarrassed face* so thanks for commenting on my playlist :)

@defnekartal ❤️❤️ Oh that's okay I understand. You make such great playlists that I had to leave a comment!! Thanks a million for checking out my playlist and leaving a comment. May your days forever flourish and be prosperous. Sincerely with love!! :) ❤️❤️
