"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
Well, I'm doing my best to live in the now, but my dreams are still my go-to place when the real world seems a bit too harsh. Harry Potter is also a safe place to go to feel better ;)
About me: Well, I'm a full-time student in Canada who loves the simple things in life like good music, yummy food, sunrises, books and the sound of rain.
My 3 favorite things regarding books/music/movies, etc. are:
-Chris de Burgh
-Michael Crichton
-Harry Potter

My playlists are inspired by research and by songs heard in other peoples' playlists, so a lot of credit goes to the DJs I follow on 8tracks :)

TOP TAGS instrumental, study, soundtrack, Hans Zimmer, Alexandre Desplat

Member since Oct 2011
