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in an empty room, dust is a gentle coating on the floor. bare feet brush against the floorboards, candles breathe smoke into the air. hands swirl the fumes of burning sage, auburn hair swishing as the women turn in their circle pattern. they call to the earth, energy seeping up into their souls. crystal flakes from underneath fingernails. teeth chatter with glee as the witches dance, as they cast their spell.
magic fills their lungs, every vein, their souls.
after their ritual is complete, they murmur:
"what next, what next?"
and bring out their hymns.

[This playlist is included in an 8tracks official collection. Follow @themed-collections to find an amazing selection of Halloween songs. Check out Themed Collections in the forums to participate.]

13 tracks
7 comments on witch hymns

This is freakin excellent. Have you ever seen O Brother Where Art Thou? I'm sure you have, but this playlist is so remniscient of that movie.

@rubies3 Thank you! I actually adore the movie, and took a lot of inspiration from the music there! It's really flattering that you would compare the two!
