213 comments on You're probably supposed to be studying. by StephanieB

This is a great mix for studying, thanks so much. It's kept me up through several all nighters and kept me going through a bunch of essays and whatnot.

"Let me start studying now, i'll just 'x' out of my browser.. hmm hey how about one stumble!" is what went through my mind just a second ago. This is what I got... I think someones trying to tell me something..

BEST MIX EVER!!! this is getting me through my final business plan that I need to present tomorrow ahh!! thanks for including songs that can just sit in the background and songs that you can sing along to without getting distracted. love it! :)

Cheers , might get some work done now :D

(the reason i found this mix... because a stupid one came on after about 8 songs !)
