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everything else just falls into place

4 comments on everything else just falls into place

This. Is. So. Good. Everything flows really well and I find myself coming back to it. It really encompasses everything I love about Clark. Thank you so much :)

This mix is absolutely gorgeous and the song choices are PERFECT for Clark! I'm really impressed and am greatly enjoying listening to it (over and over and over...). (Also I adore that you chose a panel from "Birthright" for your cover image. What a great comic.)

@KyCochran oh my gosh thank you so much! this is definitely the mix i'm proudest of, and i'm thrilled that you enjoyed it. and yes! birthright is definitely one of the best superman comics out there!!!

Thank you for this lovely fanmix; it's really beautiful! I love that you've included a couple of the Man of Steel pieces (the two that really encompass Clark and Kal in my mind, too, it's amazing) and the first song by Fleet Foxes really hit me hard where it counts. Absolutely wonderful.

gosh, thank you so much for this comment! hans zimmer's score for MoS was one of the best things about it, so when i started work on this i knew i had to go back to him. & i'm glad you like "helplessness blues," it's one of my favorite songs.
