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the vore dude


hey reese hi! merry chrismas! i hope tht this present came as a big surprise, i tried 2 be all sneaky-sneak about it! but this is why i made us listen to music back and forth for a bit on that! altho that was really fun we should do something like that again!
so uh! ive never made mixes for for people ik this before so tbh i have no clue if u (or orion, bc we made orion one too!) will enjoy this but at the v least i know there are a few songs on here that u like!
OH ALSO DONT BLAME ME FOR THE LAST SONG it was clara's idea. altho tbh i thought it was a hilarious idea. ull see what i mean when you get to it fsdg
ANYWAY i love u and i hope that u have a great day nd if u dont ill beat up the concept of christmas!

13 tracks
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