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I think I'll miss you forever


Losing people you love sucks it's like all you have left is old photographs and memories and the memories seem so fragile each of them slowly slipping away, and I'm just so full of regret and words I never got to say. I never got to tell you that I loved you one last time so this is everything I didn't say and everything I couldn't say// Rest in peace this piece of mine someday we will reunite

14 tracks
8 comments on I think I'll miss you forever

everything about this is amazing the caption and of course the music.i lost my grandma a few months ago and it really sucks because she was so amazing and I miss her so much. thank you for making this it really helped me

I lost my mum in december and its only just sunk in that i can't go back an be with her again and it hurts like hell, i thought it was going to get easier but its gotten harder, all i do is think about her and all of the things i never got to say, how i never got to say i love you for the last time, not even goodbye, its like one second shes here and everythings fine the next she's gone and its crazy but this mix has helped me so thank you so much.

I lost my Tia almost a year ago and it still hurts, it hurts so fucking much, I would give up anything to bring her back.. I love her and miss her like crazy and there's not a day that goes by where I don't think about her. I just wish I could go back to the time where I was little and she would take me everywhere with her and all these memories of us just keep replaying and I just need her back! I can't wait for the day where I get to see her again, but for now she's a memory that I'll forever treasure in my heart 7/25/71-1/12/14

My step grandpa died a month ago and I just got the news today. We weren't that close, but he was part of my life and they should've told me before. There was a funeral and I wasn't even invited. I dont have a lot of touch with this part of my family but damn...I'll never see him again and they took away the chance for me to say goodbye to him and that's what hurts the most for me. I just wanted to see him one last time but no one bothered to invite me or tell me what happened. It sucks, it just really sucks. (I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes or anything, I speak portuguese)

I know a lot of people say "I feel you," but with this playlist I really do. I feel the emotion through it and it's beautiful, painfully beautiful. This connects with loss incredibly so, so thank you for it.
