136 comments on Songs Without Words by takesome_time

one of those mixes that I keep coming back to, especially when I need just a little background but can't deal with people.

this mix is so perfect! totally love it, I insist: what's not to love about "The Artist" soundtrack?? there's no word to describe it besides: beautiful.

This has literally saved my college career several times. And now my MCAT score will be all because of this playlist. Love the choices! THANKS!

Goodness, this is DARLING. I've been painting a piece all night, and this has certainly helped me through it :))))))) Thank you very much!

Cramming property law statutes is easier with Kisses and cake playing in the background. Thanks a 100 times over. Also, if you can add the Game of Thrones theme tune to this playlist then I'll send you cookies B-)
