The B-Side Shuffle
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The B-Side Shuffle; Anthology I, Vol. 13


The B-Side Shuffle [WHUS 91.7 FM Storrs] - Anthology I; Volume 13 [8/10/07]

For two seasons, Petraeus and occasional guests brought The B-Side Shuffle to the airwaves courtesy of WHUS 91.7 FM Storrs, Radio for the People. Airing Fridays 5am to 7am, 05/11/07 to 09/14/07 (Anthology I / Season I), as well as Mondays 8am to 10am, 09/24/07 to 01/21/08 (Anthology II / Season II), The B-Side Shuffle provided two hours of deep, live, and b-side tracks from popular Rock music artists across the genre's spectrum.

A note on format: All shows are copied from airtime recordings, as completely as possible. Individual artists' tracks have been inserted during the recordings' gaps.

31 tracks
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