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When I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2010 I was asked if it was form of breast cancer. As you listen it would mean a lot if you could look up a list of different cancers and pick one to donate to/ walk or run for/ or even just put a simple status up about it.

22 tracks
1 comment on Chemoslovakian

thank you. youre stance on the unknown cancers is refreshing. my dad had a rare sarcoma that eventually took him. and everyone asked if it was lung cancer. so thank you.

you see everyone I make a statement to calls me insensitive or a bitch, so actually its refreshing to get your response! FROM a cancer patient I'm sorry for your loss, cancer is a nightmare on both ends. Thank you so much for supporting your dad through that time. =) We could use more people like you!
