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1 comment on MAMBO COCKTAIL

Hey, thanks for the tip. I didn't know that one, will look it up.
Here's a clip from one of my fave film noirs. You'll probably know it too. It's no mambo, but great music...

Love that film. Music, cinematography, performance - all wonderfully dark. Mitchum was at his best in this one.

No doubt you are a true 'connaisseur' of film noir. Feel free to give more tips, it was a genre that never set much foot on ground in Europe, due to circumstances. However, if I may recommend one modern (georgian) film noir, it's this one. I think there's an Amercian remake out now

1) Love Criss Cross. 2) That "13 Tzameti" film looks pretty cool. 3) "Night of the Hunter" is, weirdly, the ONLY movie I repeatedly watch expecting to one day actually like it. No kidding (!), I've seen it at least 10 times. Don't quite enjoy it, but I cannot figure out why, since it has so much cool stuff in it! It remains a mystery to me to this day, but I STILL watch it every two years or so. 4) Have either one of you seen "The Prowler?" (the weird 50's noir film, not the 80's slasher with blood EFX by Tom Savini) It's a little strange for noir, and was only released on DVD (in the U.S.) a year or 2 ago. Here's a trailer, but it doesn't really do it justice.

I heard raves about the Prowler - esp. the seedy performance of Van Heflin. '13' Tzameti' got incredible praise from a friend - waiting for the proper US release on DVD.

I got a good one you may or may not seen:

Yeah, both the leads are really great in "The Prowler" and VH especially. I had actually not heard of "The Window" but that looks awesome! I'll have to pick it up next time the WB Archive store has a sale. I'm completely in love with the WB Archives, and have bought tons of DVDs without seeing them first and have never been disappointed. It appears you can pick up "13 tzameti" for as little as five bucks used on Amazon. I just might have to do that...
