17 comments on A Little Death by thespazzbot

I read the fic when it first posted, and honestly, I STILL listen to this playlist. I loved it so much that I downloaded as much of it as I could when the site announced its death. But I think I missed some of the songs, so I've very grateful for its return! Did you know it is damn near impossible to find the acoustic version of "I wanna be yours" by Arctic Monkeys on any other platform?

i read your fic a while ago, and words can't express how much i loved it. this playlist not only revived all those feels but also features some of my favourite groups/singers and songs. thank you

This is so perfect! Honestly, not only are you gifted at writing, you can make a fantastic mix of music. Thank you!!!

perfect combo to the fic. seriously this is my favorite fic of all time! I've Re read it more than I should probably admit haha but I'll do what I have to until there's another update *hint hint *wink wink.

You know, it has been 3 months since I last commented and I am honestly still listening to this mix, and reading your fanfic. I honestly am in love with it so much! Stay awesome and continue writing those dorky lil shits and continue to inspire me!

YES ITS TOTALLY A REFERENCE but I can't take credit for the placement of the song in this mix. On Tumblr, and anon had suggested the original version, so I listened to the lyrics and I was like FUCK OMG YES... but I just decided to find something more updated for the final mix :3
