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"Burn" Soundtrack


I made a soundtrack for my Ashton fan fiction, "Burn", which you can find on wattpad. I put these songs in a specific order to first introduce the story, then the characters, and then follow the story from the beginning, middle, climax, resolution, etc. (so see if you can follow along I hope I did a good job haha). Some songs here and there just describe Ashton and Skylar's everlasting love. thanks for listening/reading it if you did, it was a lot of fun! :)▹-ashton-irwin

67 tracks
7 comments on "Burn" Soundtrack

Best soundtrack ever! Every song was jus perfect for Burn. I'm smiling and trying not cry! I'm so emotional right now after listening to this. Especially because it ended with Robbers. That is my favorite song ever

Omg so amazing after finishing the book I'm pretty much dead then the cover pic of ash and sydney ugh I'm dead
