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Spiritual/Meditation/Relaxation/Chakra Music


A beautiful playlist of relaxation, meditation cd's i've bought. Amazing tracks here, such as the famous Holosync meditation program, featuring Glen Velez music activation for kundalini/chakra energies, high frequency music, relaxation tunes, spiritual and meditation songs that will guarantee results. Love and light for your spiritual path and/or meditation or relaxing goals, these songs are very helpful.

13 tracks
19 comments on Spiritual/Meditation/Relaxation/Chakra Music (View all)

The photo is beautiful art, from one of my favourite artists Josephine Wall, I have a journal with it on it. This particular piece of art is called "The Spirit of Flight". On my journal it says, "the force that powers movement of wind and air, the spirit of flight is a luminous goddess surrounded by dynamic elements of nature."
