18 comments on The Back of Bookstores by Time_Life_someone

I just discovered all of your mixes annnnd... I'm pretty sure I'm set for life. You have incredible taste. Keep up the amazing work. It's people like you that make me fall in love with music all over again!

I stumbled upon this mix and now I listen to it every day while I read. I read like 3 books with this mix as a background and I still enjoy it so much. Great job. :)

So glad that you enjoy it! It has been with me for a long time; many a book was read to this mix. I am so happy that others are enjoying it!

Well I read just about anything.
Um, but I read this one recently that was really good called The Gargoyle. if you haven't yet read Life of Pi do; it is incredible!
I also have read things recently like Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland (kind of ones from my childhood that I am just so in love with)
I guess it would all depend on what kind of books you are into. If you told me what genre you like I am sure I could think of something more specific to what you prefer to read :3

Oh oh oh! Other ones that I read recently also that are really good
The Book Thief (I have read it so many times, it is one of the well loved books on my bookshelf)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Anna Karenina
Les Miserables (caution though, it is a tad dense)
The Lord of the Rings )if you haven't already read them)
The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

(and if you like non-fiction more)
Albert Einstein
Keith Richards
The Psychopath Test
^ (really good reads)
