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Moon Plays The Ocean Like A Violin


This playlist was originally created as an accompaniment for fanfiction I had written over the summer in 2015 -- more or less the CD I had in mind that appears in the story. Unfortunately I only got around to finalizing it now, so it seems a little unceremonious in its reveal. Nevertheless, here it is.

The fanfiction, Riptides, can be read here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4699877

The artwork was done as the artist's contribution to the story/summer project. If you think the art is as marvelous as I think it is, you can show your love here: http://shichibee.tumblr.com/

Direct link to the art is here: http://shichibee.tumblr.com/post/128079436514/final-submission-for-hqbb-cyclesomatic-i-really


12 tracks
1 comment on Moon Plays The Ocean Like A Violin

Holy crap, I love your music aesthetic. I was in kind of a bad headspace tonight, but this playlist is wonderful and helped me feel better. I will definitely be listening to this one often, it's beautiful, thank you!
