Hi there,

I was born and raised in Cape Town, where I still remain today. It's a beautiful place, except that technology is a bit slow around here. South Africa also likes to do things there own way, which to them is the right way; but to the rest of the world, its just not quite the right way.

I love my country, I used to never respect the place but once you realise what you have, you have to respect it.

I Enjoy a lot of things. Cannabis, Music and Science are probably my three main enjoyments.

Science teaches you about the Universe at a fundamental level, and I think it's amazing how things work. In science, there is no need for a 'God' to make things beautiful. Everything at a fundamental level is beautiful.

I have a complete open mind when it comes to religion. I do not give a fuck what you believe in, just don't try change my mindset. Everyone to their own bro...

Self realisation is something that I try to preach to people -
If you have the right mindset, you can achieve anything in life...

My biggest life goal is a PhD in Physics. That is where I am trying to head in my life. But of course life throws a sextillion (10^19) curve balls that you have to some how deal with and still achieve what you want to achieve.
